Monday, October 13, 2014

Yoonhae Kang/ character sketch / Tuesday 9am

My friend, Jisung Park
201300058 EIT Yoonhae Kang
 Jisung Park. You'll probably heard of this name, the most famous Korean soccer player. However, this famous name is also belonged to one of my favorite friend. What more interesting is, my friend Jisung Park is a girl. My first impression on her is related to her name, Jisung Park. We were in same high school. After I first heard Jijung's name, I said "Wow!! Nobody can forget your name". Soon after, I started to call her Men-U as a short term of Menchester United, the soccer team that Jisung Park, the soccer player was belonged during 2010. We have known each other for 7 years. If someone asks me to descibe her in three words, those words will be addiction, nocturnal and advisor.
 To begin with, she shows high level of addiction on the field that she has interest in. Addicting is a driving force of her life which leads her to explode inner and outer energies. When she became addicted her entire thinking is focused on the interest. For an example, she recently found an interest on musicals. Nowadays, she surveys through internet day and night, searching for informations of upcoming musicals. Last month she spent most of her allowance for the tickets of musical. She even watched the same musical 'Thrill me' for three times. Moreover, her addiction is not just limited on hobbies. My friend loves spicy foods. Whenever she cooks, she put lots of peppers. She eventually made new delicious menues that goes with her taste. However, one day my friend had a really bad ache on her stomache and immediately went to the hospital. After she had a MRI service she got some treatment for gastritis and warnings from the doctor: Stay away from spicy food. She was too obsessed by spiciness. In addition, she sometimes addicted to study. She doesn't get sleep and stay up all night studying and reading papers. It helped her to make better papers, reports and presentations.
 Furthermore, she is a nocturnal human. She usually goes to sleep after 3am and than wake up 10am. She said "I can concentrate on my work better during night times". Even when I contact her, the responses come faster during night times than morning. She usually starts her home assignments after 11pm and don't sleep until she finish it. When there are assignments to complete, she goes to You-tube page and search for intereting videos. Sometimes she sends me music videos or funny video clips and waits for my replies of 'Thank you, You really understands me and my music taste. I really enjoyed the videos'.  During vacation, her tendency of nocturnal becomes more intensified. I asked her when she usually goes to sleeps during vacation and she replied "I go to bed after 5am, after I see a sun rise. And than I woke up after sunset, around 4pm".
 There is no debt that she has a strong character. The most attractive point of her character is that she is a good counselor. She is a good listener and gives useful and warm advices. In these days, I was sensitive to romantic autumn weather. I was little depressed last night and had apprehentions of my work. When I asked her for an advice, she told me to observe myself in an objective view. It was really helpful and I could easily made my decision.
I love my friend. After all seven years I now understands her characteristics. Everyone who knows Jisung Park says that she is a realistic person but has humors.



  1. From. Hyejin Kim
    To. Yoonhae Kang

    Hi, I'm Hyejin Kim and I was very surprised when I read the first paragraph. I thought the famous player is actually your friend! Your hook was marvelously working!!
    1. She is very passionate and creative person.

    2. 3 details that made me think like that include that she makes a new dish with spicy peppers, she tries hard to study the area she is interested in and she doesn't sleep unless she finishes her assignment.

    3. What the person looks like - not mentioned

    What the person says - mentioned ("I go to bed after 5am, after I see a sun rise. And than I woke up after sunset, around 4pm". )

    What the person does - mentioned (She eventually made new delicious menues that goes with her taste. )

    What other people say about the person - not mentioned

    4. I didn't have difficulties understanding the essay but I just wondered you wanted to write "doubt" instead of "debt" in the last paragraph

    5. The reason why you chose the person to describe is that she is close friend and has various characteristics, I guess.

    6. You provided enough anecdotes which explain her characteristics but you didn't mention much about her as a good councelor. I wanted to hear more stories about what she told you and did for you when you had some troubles.

  2. 1. I think her personality is really attractive. I believe that she is really passionate about what she likes and she is a nocturnal person.
    2. The first one is that She even watched the same musical 'Thrill me' for three times. The second one is that Whenever she cooks, she put lots of peppers. She eventually made new delicious menues that goes with her taste. The third one is that I go to bed after 5am, after I see a sun rise. And than I woke up after sunset, around 4pm.
    3. What the person looks like
    not mentioned
    What the person does
    She sent you music videos or funny video clips and made new delicious menues that goes with her taste and she spent most of her allowance for the tickets of musical.
    What other people say about the person
    not mentioned
    4. I did not understand one point. It is the last part of your second graph. You said she addicted to study so she stayed up all night studying. However, I could not find relations between the fact that she addicted to study and the fact that she stayed up all night studying. Because I sometimes stay up all night to study although I am not addicted to study. So I hope you to explain more about it.
    5. I think you chose your friend Jisung because It is really interesting that her name is same with famous soccer player Jisung Park, and she has a strong character.
    6. Were there any troubles? And what did other friends think about her personality? What does she look like?
    (201301957 Jiyeon Yang)


  3. My friend, Jisung Park
    201300058 EIT Yoonhae Kang

    Jisung Park. You'll probably heard of this name, the most famous Korean soccer player. However, this famous name is also belonged to one of my favorite friend. What more interesting is, my friend Jisung Park is a girl. My first impression on her is related to her name, Jisung Park. We were in same high school. After I first heard Jijung's name, I said "Wow!! Nobody can forget your name". Soon after, I started to call her Men-U as a short term of Manchester United, the soccer team that Jisung Park, the soccer player was belonged during 2010. We have known each other for 7 years. If someone asks me to describe her in three words, those words will be addiction, nocturnal and advisor.

    To begin with, she shows high level of addiction on the field that she has interest in. Addicting is a driving force of her life which leads her to explode inner and outer energies. When she became addicted, her entire thinking is focused on the interest. For an example, she recently found an interest on musicals. Nowadays, she surveys through internet day and night, searching for information of upcoming shows. Last month she spent most of her allowance for the tickets. She even watched the same musical 'Thrill me' for three times. Moreover, her addiction is not just limited on hobbies. My friend loves spicy foods. Whenever she cooks, she put lots of peppers. She eventually made new delicious menu that goes with her taste. However, few days ago my friend had a really bad ache on her stomach and immediately went to the hospital. After she had a MRI service she got some treatment for gastritis and warnings from the doctor: Stay away from spicy food. She was too obsessed by spiciness. In addition, she sometimes addicted to study. She doesn't get sleep and stay up all night studying and reading papers. During the time, she barely eats or drinks. She just concentrates on her studies. This addiction helped her to make better papers, reports and presentations.


  4. Furthermore, she is a nocturnal human. She usually goes to sleep after 3am and than wake up 10am. She said "I can concentrate on my work better during night times". Even when I contact her, the responses come faster during night times than morning. She usually starts her home assignments after 11pm and don't sleep until she finish it. When there are assignments to complete, she goes to you-tube page and search for interesting videos. Sometimes she sends me music videos or funny video clips and waits for my replies of 'Thank you, you really understand me and my music taste. I really enjoyed the videos'. During vacation, her tendency of nocturnal becomes more intensified. I asked her when she usually goes to sleeps during vacation and she replied "I go to bed after 5am, after I see a sun rise. And then I woke up after sunset, around 4pm".

    There is no debt that she has a strong character. The most attractive point of her character is that she is a good counselor. She is a good listener and gives useful and warm advices. In these days, I was sensitive to romantic autumn weather. I was little depressed last night and had apprehension of my work. I couldn’t see myself objectively and was struggling for deciding of my work. When I asked her for an advice, she told me to observe myself in an objective view and listen to my inner voices. At first, it sounded strange, however, it turned out to be the best solution I ever going to have. While I was concentrating on my heart, I started to realize the way I have to choose. Her counseling was really helpful! It really supported me to make my decision.

    I love my friend. After all seven years I now understand and realize the preciousness of her characteristics. Everyone who knows Jisung Park says that she is a realistic person but has a strong character with humors. Even her appearances, girlish long hair and smart-looking but also owl-looking round glasses describe her characters. She is very wise and nocturnal person, even though she sometimes severely addicted to something. Hope after all, we can sustain our good friendship!
